How an Extension to your Merton Park home could increase its value

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We all need our space – in our relationships and environments. This is particularly true in the home, where we spend so much time. Space is a top consideration for all home buyers and homeowners and an area where you can make positive changes for the better. If you’re feeling cramped, dedicated to the costs and fees of these professional property developers is money well spent. It can help create space and add value to your Merton Park home.

What kind of home extensions add value?
Adding additional square footage through a simple single-room extension up to a multi-story addition can add thousands of value to your home. Make the most of your time and budget by enlisting the help of a professional architectural designer from the start of your extension planning.

Consider all the rooms in your home and inventory what’s functioning well. Where do you need more room? Is it a kitchen where family members are constantly bumping into each other? Is that single bathroom creating a long wait line in the mornings? Or is it a shared bedroom that your children have now outgrown? Keep your current needs in mind, as well as those of a potential future buyer, should you decide to sell.

More space created through an extension can make your home more functional while substantially increasing its value. According to the Nationwide Building Society, homeowners who invest in extensions can add up to 20% of value, depending on the overall size and scope of the project.

Who can help me get my home extension done?
You can’t tackle a project of this size alone. Place your home extension architecture and planning needs in the hands of a trained professional with the skillset and experience to deliver an inspiring final product.

Qualified architectural help will ensure your peace of mind by listening carefully to your needs, being mindful of local planning laws and regulations, and anticipating potential issues along the way. Professional support lets you maximise your time and budget while bringing your vision to life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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