Timing your building project

We recently took the call of a potential client looking to have a rear extension built to provide a larger kitchen and dining space for their family home. Any form of home extension is exactly the sort of project we at GBS Architectural love to be involved with, the one...

Creating the Ideal Home Office

The coronavirus pandemic has brought shock and confusion to businesses, schools and individuals. People who have never worked from home before have been forced to do so—and many of us have adjusted to this new normal. If home working has been a success for you, you may be looking for...

How Renewable Energy Resources Are the Future for Your Home!

Introduction Home is the most comfortable zone for any individual. It is synonymous to pure love and affection. There are houses which are built for ages but are still maintained in a good and usable manner. Though they have the best architecture and grandeur, some of the houses are not...

All you need to know about Outbuilding Conversion Service

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]GBS is a  residential architectural designer company and is frequently instructed to help design additional living space for families – this can be for any number of reasons. We are finding that more and more people want to improve their existing homes than face the hassle of moving. Perhaps you’ve recently...

Unexpected ways London property developers can maximise your returns

Increasing the value of your property can be done in quite obvious ways, by extending it, converting a redundant or unused space or through the sympathetic refurbishment of interiors.  GBS is specialised in high-quality architectural services and can add value by acting creatively, focusing on issues such as light and...

Five easy hacks to help redecorate your basement

A basement extension may be something you’ve dreamt of, or something you already have, and at GBS Architectural we know that there are simple hacks to redecorating your basement to transform an unloved space into something magnificent. From ideas as simple as paint choice to more extravagant ideas, your basement...

Create additional living space in London

With all the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and an economy that is understandably lacking in confidence, it is not surprising that the housing market is not looking very inspiring at the moment.  With the future uncertain, many people are opting not to move house at this time but what if you...

Achieving the best design for your living area

21st-century living requirements are pretty unique.  Most people prefer an open plan and spacious look to their living area where different activities within the family can blend seamlessly together.  This can prove a challenge in the standard format of most homes, particularly in older properties which tend to be divided...